Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Political Cartoon | Recent Political Cartoons | Political Cartoons Historical | Political Cartoons Obama 2011

There are other ways besides blogging, standing on soap boxes, excommunicating, sentencing to death, and public shaming, to vent your frustrations at the powers that be. In fact there is a medium that can be far more personal, honest, and direct at expressing your opinions than the above mentioned. Political cartoons, draw political cartoons, political cartoons correctly, drawing political cartoons.

Could your blog posts do with some livening-up? Maybe a little original humor could be just the thing you need. Cartoon drawings, original cartoon, cartoon character, great cartoon idea, original cartoon drawings.

Generally speaking animation and cartoons help us reflect and laugh at ourselves, not taking things so seriously, and generally that is a good thing right? Surely, consider the Dilbert Series if you will. Still, sometimes folks can't take a little joke, and throw a fit, for instance the Danish Cartoonist who showed the "Great Allah" in less than a favorable light, and had people rioting throughout the world of Islam and calling for his head. Animation, Taking the Edge Off of Political Correctness, laughing At Ourselves, think tank, lance wins.

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