Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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  • bketchum
    Sep 1, 12:31 PM
    Originally Posted by CaptainCaveMann
    I think this rumor should be taken with a grain of salt. It seems highly unlikely a 23 inch imac would emerge (or even should emerge).

    I couldn't disagree with you more.

    This size represents the iMac that can display Full resolution 1080p HD content. If they introduce this and then eventually throw a Blu-ray in there they've got the killer combination. Front Row is already setup to be a home-theatre replacement. I mean come on, it's basically an HDTV...it's 1080p, it's got a remote, and it's got front row... This will sell like crack... Digital crack...

    I agree. If this rumor is true, this will be my next computer. I'm shopping for an LCD TV and a computer. A 23-inch iMac would cover both for me nicely. Fingers crossed.

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  • SwiftLives
    Jun 22, 12:33 PM
    Just from a pragmatic standpoint...

    Fingerprints on the screen would be difficult to get around - even with Apple's "oleophobicc" display. Fingerprints still show.

    Secondly - why? Is taking your hand off of a mouse to touch the safari icon on the screen somehow easier than just clicking on it with the cursor? Is there some advantage to typing by touching the screen rather than a keyboard?

    Personally, I don't see much advantage to having a touch interface on any device that isn't portable.

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  • 4God
    Nov 27, 03:26 PM
    I don't understand this. Apple has carried a 20" monitor as their low end for two years. Why offer something even smaller after so long? This seems like a step backwards.

    Exactly, as someone here said earlier, "the 20" is the new 17"

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  • fertilized-egg
    Mar 24, 11:09 AM
    For those of us with large libraries or store our music in uncompressed or at higher bit rates, the Classic is the only game in town.

    There are still some quality HDD MP3s, most notably the Cowon X7, http://www.engadget.com/2010/12/01/cowon-x7-pmp-review/

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  • mfram
    Feb 26, 02:31 PM
    So when will automakers sell a compact pickup with a 2 liter diesel in the US? I want a diesel pick up. But I don't want a behemoth that requires a ladder to enter and hogs 2/3 of a 2 car garage.:p

    I prefer diesel in a work truck for three reasons: torque, torque and torque.

    Don't know about trucks, but Volkswagon has been selling 2.0L 4-cyl diesel engines for a while. You can get a Jetta Wagon TDI.... but that's not quite the same as a truck.

    I personally own a Jetta TDI sedan. It's a nice engine.

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  • SchneiderMan
    Nov 28, 01:36 PM
    Just got back from Mexico and during my time there had a run in with the local police. This is common as hire cars have different colour number plates so the police can easily pick you out of a crowd. Apparently we were 'speeding'. It's all fun and games though. I got the fine down from about $400 US to 1000 pesos. We were warned this would happen when we arrived and should just look at it as an extra 'toll'. I could have probably got it down lower but it was hot and we had a long way to go still.

    At the end of the negotiation you get a form to sign with how much you paid and then you have to sign your name. The document is cleary made in something like Word and it's in no way official....I signed it Ben T Copper! :p

    Well that explains their new police cars lol

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 12, 10:19 PM
    No, I'm worried that FCP could be dumbed down too much to properly do the job at hand.


    You mean made easier to use?

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  • SciFrog
    Oct 9, 06:08 PM
    Yup, but actually almost at 4mio with points of my old team combined ;)

    What I am shooting for is the #5 overall spot of the team, maybe by year end...

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 26, 01:39 PM
    Knight is correct.
    You can trademark a graphic that contains words, but have no rights to the actual words themselves.

    It is you who needs an education on what a trademark actually is.


    1. Pet Store was trademarked in one form or another.
    2. Trying to argue that "App" was as much part of the lexicon as "pet" is ridiculous.

    Objection overruled.

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  • Apple Expert
    May 2, 04:44 PM
    They are making it sure look alot like the iOS. I hope they can put this OS on the iPad. :D

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  • shawnce
    Jul 19, 04:23 PM
    I see a little confusion on numbers, for the straight facts review the two PDFs provided by Apple (data summary is a good one to understand unit volumes)...

    Q306 Data Summary (http://images.apple.com/pr/pdf/q306data_sum.pdf)

    Q306 Financial Statements (http://images.apple.com/pr/pdf/q306fin_statements.pdf)

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  • neko girl
    Mar 20, 11:38 AM
    Several court rulings have placed the rights of Gay people above the rights of people holding religious beliefs.
    I'm all for the distribution of the app on grounds of free speech (which may or may not apply to a curated app store like Apple's). However, I do like the ignorant statement you just made here, that I've quoted.

    Can you give me an example where the basic RIGHTS of a religious person was violated by upholding gay rights?

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  • arkitect
    Mar 22, 12:47 PM
    We do work to make things better in the US that's why everyone always wants to come to America.
    Nope. Not everyone. I am quite happy where I am… thanks.
    Quite frankly after a few visits I am happy never to return to the Land of the super-sized, home of the intolerant.

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  • rdowns
    Mar 22, 01:26 PM
    So I guess I can't be in the guard or reserve...

    Not at all, provided you meet the requirements. I was merely pointing out that a Director of IT posted on a Mac forum asking how to remotely access his network.

    Based on your posts, I question if you meet the age requirements of this forum.

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  • mac-er
    Jul 20, 08:19 AM
    "We're not sitting around doing nothing," Apple said about the prospect that mobile phones may soon emerge as very capable digital music players and challenge the iPod.

    This was a pretty interesting quote AppleInsider had from the presentation.

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  • twoodcc
    Feb 3, 06:24 PM
    congrats to whiterabbit for 8 million points!

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  • RebootD
    Apr 12, 09:28 PM
    "People are gasping at this demo" looks like the early hints weren't lies. Apple is delivering the goods. (from @fcpsupermeet twitter)

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  • justflie
    Nov 15, 09:57 AM
    If all you do is email and type freakin Word documents, why the heck would you spend so much money on a new Mac Pro? You could have been fine buying an iMac or even a MacBook :confused:

    Using applications like After Effects, Photoshop, Flash, and other media apps these 8 core computers will ANNIHILATE my render times and cut production times in half, if not chop them into little pieces and spontaneously combust.

    Obviously these machines are geared towards video editing, 3d animation, and motion graphics.... hence the PRO after the MAC.

    I'll take all the cores I can get, for this will be a huge improvement!!

    Lol, I think you missed the sarcasm dripping off of his comment...

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  • ecoons
    Jan 11, 10:15 PM
    I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but after looking at http://www.ecoupled.com/
    I can't help but think that Apple could come up with a user-friendly way of implementing this sort of technology. I personally think its only a matter of time before ALL chords are "cut". You set your iPod on your desk, it charges through inductive currents, your headphones do the same and communicate with your iPod through bluetooth (or some other wireless medium)...etc. And your computer, also, has no wires. Electricity is passed to it in the same sort of way. Now, wouldn't that be cool :)

    "There's something in the air"

    Maybe its just wishful thinking ;)

    [Note: After being a long time READER of Mac Rumors, I have officially made my first post.]

    Nov 27, 01:34 PM
    Built-in iSights, now there's an idea! :D
    Asus has this (http://www.asus.com/products4.aspx?l1=10&l2=88&l3=367&model=1136&modelmenu=1) display which includes speakers and a webcam. It would be nice if Apple introduced a similar concept with a display only. It would be prefect for the Mac mini.

    Mar 25, 09:41 PM
    I would advise people not to take too seriously the words of tonymacx86 who admittedly does a great deal to help the junior hackintosh brigade, but he is not well respected by many serious OSX86 supporters, who claims he uses a lot of stolen code, and asks for money from people who cannot do it themselves.

    Macrumors needs to seriously consider using this tonymacx86 as a reliable source. As I stated before he gets info from other sources, and this is often highlighted by others

    See this quote ex Netkas...



    OK, done my part. And if you still think they work, go ask your buddy "Tony" how to make them work.

    Sad but macrumors - please take more care.

    Apr 12, 09:52 PM
    Who thinks that they'll eliminate Final Cut Express and lower the price of Final Cut Pro? iMovie seems to serve the "express crowd" while FCP would be within reach of the semi-pro demographic if the price were around $300.

    That would be a good move, but I'm not convinced Apple would do it. I think it's fairly likely that Final Cut Express goes away, perhaps replaced with mid-priced Final Cut components (ie, pieces of the Final Cut Studio package).

    Should know soon enough though (at least on FCP pricing structure; FCE has always lagged behind FCP since it first came out).

    Feb 26, 05:34 PM
    Ha man you really did your research, how'd you find the lamp though?

    Thanks, just a bit of sleuthing (googling) on the internet :p

    Just looked up "robot lamp" and luckily it came up.

    Mar 22, 10:01 AM
    Our society is way too sensitive. Approve the app, someone from the gay community make an app to counter this app... be free. Too many restrictions, rules, laws, and sensitivity in our society these days.

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